Pioneering Together Makes For Bigger Impact

What does it mean to partner together?

We believe that we can do more together. We have multiple ways that we can partner together from being a part of the community through our camp, school, or the gathering to giving finically to serve the local community and the efforts we feel called to. We would love to host your church or organization to make for an unbelievable retreat.

Below are four ways to partner.

Four Ways To Partner With Us


Every new movement of God begins with extraordinary prayer and fasting. We would love for you and those around you to commit to praying for our community, our staff, the kids & families. Pray we stay in alignment to the Jesus mission of making disciples in our community.


A church, a community, & a mission like this doesn’t exist without people. It takes a village to help bring this God size vision to reality. We encourage you to serve on work days, at The Gathering, in the community garden, or in the cafe at camp. Follow us on socials to know other serving opportunities


As you can see it takes a lot of resourses to make everyday happen here at The Orchard Hill Community. We do not want to be bound down by the finical burden that is it takes to run a non-profit. We want to give back to our community and to our global missions. With your help we can do far more than we could ever imagine . Join us and be a part of what God is doing.


Most people that love Orchard Hill says you have to experience it. It feels like home. Putting your feet on the property experiencing the people of OHC gives you a glimpse into the Kingdom of God. Experience a service, or sign your kids up for one of our camp opportunities. Experience the presence of God with the people of God at Orchard Hill.

Sponsor A Kids Camp Tuition

Register Your Child For Camp / Learning academy